Many traits create a successful and effective leader. Skills and expertise are a large part of those traits and are completely necessary to be a good leader, but there are other important aspects that come into play. Having the ability to create relationships within...
If you are in the fundraising business, events can play an important role in your fundraising for both cultivation and stewardship purposes. Events are a great way to showcase and inform your donors on the impact of their gifts and how they are making a difference in...
Have you ever worked with somebody who taught you a valuable lesson that you have used in your life? Has anybody given you sage advice? It could be a boss, colleague, parent, teacher, coach, religious leader or somebody else whom you have been associated with during...
Motivating people to support your cause with donations can be a daunting yet exciting task. There are a myriad of reasons that people give and I won’t elaborate on all the reasons in this blog. But I want to highlight a few of those reasons on what motivates people...
Social media is the platform through which communication, advertising, and sharing happens now. Statistics show that since 2012, the average number of social media platforms per user has risen from three to seven accounts. In order to run a successful fundraising...
How to Target Businesses for Donations Fundraising can be tricky. While you may be supporting a fantastic and beneficial cause that could change lives, it can be difficult to get people to part from their hard-earned money to help it out. When looking for charitable...