Social media has become a double-edged tool suitable not only for socializing but also helping in the coordination of non-profit philanthropy. When pursuing the use of social media for online fundraising successfully, emphasis should be put on ensuring that the right etiquette and formalities are applied. That being said, there are certain do’s and don’ts that should be observed in your practice of raising money through online fundraising.

Engaging the audience directly
The first step in successful utilization of social media for online fundraising is to engage the audience in a direct and clear manner. Clarity, in this regard, comes in handy in making sure the audience can easily identify the intention of the fundraiser and how the proceeds will be utilized. Other items that should be communicated in the social media post include, how to channel the donations, the projected deadline for submitting the donations, and how much of an impact an individual’s donation would be towards achieving the specified goal.

Don’t Over Push
Etiquette should be highly emphasized when creating social media communication. Regularly updating your online users is an important part of stewardship but avoid going overboard with too many communications. The language you incorporate in your posts should be professional and aspirational enough to appeal to the reader.

Bombarding your readers with multiple emails, posts, and messages would have an opposite effect on the targeted audience as they could turn into non-donors. The language you incorporate in your posts, on the other hand, should be professional and polite enough to appeal to the reader. Overly polite language with a begging tone should, however, be avoided at all cost.

Work with an ambassador
Fundraising ambassadors and sponsors come in handy in helping to convince other people to give to your organization. When setting up and running an online fundraiser campaign, you should strive to work with a respectable and popular ambassador who will help spread the word and establish credibility for your fundraiser. Working with popular artists, companies, or well-reputable individuals in society helps draw the attention of more prospective donors.

There are significant opportunities in implementing a plan for using social media to improve fundraising. A well thought out and organized plan effectively communicates with your constituents and helps drive important fundraising for your organization.